@extends('template.coin.layouts.base') @section('title', __('Dashboard')) @section('css') @endsection @section('content')


At a glance summary of your account. Have fun!

Last login activity at {{__date_parse($user->last_login)}}



@endif @if(Session::has('sucmessage'))


Available Balance
{{__format_number($all_balance->count)}} {{$user->user_curr()}}
Bonus Account
{{__format_number($user->bonus)}} {{$user->user_curr()}}
Total Deposit
{{__format_number($tdeposit)}} {{$user->user_curr()}}
{{__format_number($pdeposit)}} {{$user->user_curr()}}
Total Withdraw
{{__format_number($twithdraw)}} {{$user->user_curr()}}
{{__format_number($pwithdraw)}} {{$user->user_curr()}}
Trading Account

TRADE {{$newtitle}} - PLACE TRADE ({{$user->twallet()->sym}})

Live Trade History

@if(!blank($orders)) @for($i = 0; $i < count($orders); $i++) @endfor @endif
Trade Type Trade Time Symbol Traded Amount Traded Expected Payout Leverage End Price End Time Trade Status
{{$orders[$i]->order_num}} {{__date_parse($orders[$i]->trade_time)}} {{$orders[$i]->symbols()->symbol}} ${{__format_number($orders[$i]->volume)}} @if($orders[$i]->type == 'buy') @elseif($orders[$i]->type == 'sell') @endif ${{__format_number($orders[$i]->profit)}} {{$orders[$i]->leverage}} {{$orders[$i]->closing}} @if(!blank($orders[$i]->closed_at)) {{__date_parse($orders[$i]->closed_at)}} @else - @endif status == "lost") badge-danger @else badge-info @endif">{{ucfirst($orders[$i]->status)}}
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My Referral(1 month)
Total Joined
Referral Earn
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@endsection @section('js') @endsection