@extends('template.coin.layouts.base') @section('title', __('Security Settings')) @section('css') @endsection @section('content')

Profile Info

You have full control to manage your own account setting.



@endif @if(Session::has('sucmessage'))



These settings are helps you keep your account secure.

Save my Activity Logs

Save your all activity logs including unusual activity detected.

  • activity_log == 'on') checked="" @endif />
Email me if encounter unusual activity

You will get email notification whenever encounter invalid login activity.

  • unusual_activity == 'on') checked="" @endif />
Change Password

Set a unique password to protect your account.

  • Change Password
  • Last changed: @if(!empty($user->last_update_password)) {{__date_parse($user->last_update_password , 'M d, Y h:i A')}} @else N/A @endif
2FA Authentication @if($user->fa2_status == 'enabled') Enabled @else Disabled @endif

Secure your account with 2FA security. When it is activated you will need to enter not only your password, but also a special code using your mobile.

@if($user->fa2_status == 'enabled') Disable @else Enable @endif
@endsection @section('modals') @endsection @section('js') @endsection